Our Story

I’m Keitha, founder of Jama Roots. My true roots began in childhood where I felt extreme comfort being barefoot in nature, getting dirty, playing with bugs, and climbing trees. I loved picking wildflowers and would open them up, fascinated by their intricacies. I did the same thing with tree bark, berries, grass, you name it. I wasn’t afraid of any living thing. My toy cars were filled with ants instead of dolls because ants were real.
I remember finding a home remedy book as a teen that taught me how to heal a blister caused by my ballet pointe shoe and how to ease aches when I had the flu. This fueled my excitement for figuring things out. As an adult an Enneagram personality test affirmed who I was, scoring a 4 wing 5. In essence, when healthy I can be artistic, self-discovering, find beauty everywhere, and appreciate all things unique and quirky. If unhealthy, I never fully feel like I fit in.
Looking for Solutions
In 2013, my then six-year-old son battled mental health issues, including increasing tics. A neurologist glared at my sweet boy who had taken every toy out of the laundry basket in the patient room to climb inside to feel safe.
The doctor quickly diagnosed him with Tourette’s Syndrome, ADHD, and OCD. Additionally, he stated my son was “close to being on the Asperger’s spectrum.” A prescription was written for three different drugs: one for the tics, one for ADHD, and one to address the side effects of the first two! I expressed concern with my son being so young and on three meds, but instead of offering alternative therapies, he simply called me a “tree hugger” and stormed out.
The Tipping Point
I began to realize that emotional, mental, and spiritual health are often neglected–but are essential pieces of one’s overall health. There had to be another way. I channeled my inner investigator. I read. I researched. I spoke with people in similar situations. After discovering many negative side effects of the prescribed medications, I just couldn’t do it.
Alternative Solutions
We discovered Occupational Therapy. We discovered he has a language processing disorder—and that dyes in his foods were MAJOR contributors. Our entire family decided to eliminate all artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives from our foods. Real changes were showing! We did not get sick as often. My son was changing, his tics slowed down, and then one day, we realized they were gone for good. My husband’s migraines disappeared completely. It became a reprogramming of everything we thought we knew. The process was quite simple and soon became our lifestyle.
Looking Forward
While that neurologist visit was devastating, I’m so grateful that it lit a passion in me. It propelled me to discover holistic approaches in all areas of health. I’m happy to say those years of extensive research and product formulating have proved fruitful. In 2022, Jama Roots LLC was established to share products and discoveries of herbal wellness with anyone desiring improved health.
The heart of the brand is centered on quality. Tinctures are always made in small batches, tended to daily, and infused for eight weeks. For maximum freshness and flavor, teas are not blended until you order them. Our products are tested on real people, not animals.
Our entire family has grown closer as we work together. They help me plant seeds, weed, harvest, shop farmer’s markets, research, formulate, taste-test, bottle, and ship.
The Jama Roots Commitment
- -Place people over profit
- -Become a lifelong learner of not only herbs but the human body and its many systems
- -Grow or source only the best quality herbs
- -Never use anything artificial in our products
Be Transformed
Every wellness journey is unique. Be encouraged to start slow. If you’re overwhelmed, try picking one thing to change. Maybe that means removing artificial ingredients in foods. Perhaps it’s reading household labels and looking for toxins. Maybe it’s getting outside and walking in the morning sun. Whatever changes you make, we are here to help and proud to be part of your journey. I pray you discover the benefits of incorporating herbs into your life.
He makes grass grow for the cattle,
and plants for people to cultivate—
bringing forth food from the earth
Join the movement of individuals who appreciate the healing power of nature. I look forward to the moments of wellness and joy that our herbal offerings may bring you and your family. I’m forever grateful for you and for God, who created this beautiful masterpiece.
Your friend,
Christian Herbalist
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